Harry potter y las reliquias de la muerte.

Por: J.K. Rowling - 2007

5 Avaliaçaos


5 Comentários da nossa comunidade


Cundinamarca, Colombia

28 Avaliaçaos

28 Gostos

  -  2022-07-01
Llega el final de la historia de Harry y sus amigos junto a la gran batalla esperada en toda la saga, se revelan secretos inimaginables, concluyen aventuras y por fin se formalizan parejas esperadas, genera melancolía pero mucha emoción


Puebla, Mexico

1 Avaliaçaos

0 Gostos

  -  2020-06-22
Very great book! I enjoy reading every page of it. Great for kids and teenagers especially if they enjoy fiction.


Rift Valley, Kenya

2 Avaliaçaos

0 Gostos

  -  2020-05-23
One of my favourite books is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling. It is a story about Harry Potter, an orphan brought up by his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed when he was a baby. Harry is unloved by his uncle and aunt but everything changes when he is invited to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and he finds out he's a wizard. At Hogwarts Harry realises he's special and his adventures begin when he and his new friends Ron and Hermione attempt to unravel the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone. I can read this book over and over again. From the very beginning until the end J.K. Rowling has me gripped! There is never a dull moment, whether it's battling with trolls, a three-headed dog, or Harry facing Lord Voldermort. I would definitely recommend this book because it keeps you reading without ever wanting to put the book down. By the end of the book you come to love the characters and you want to read more.


Catalonia, Spain

4 Avaliaçaos

0 Gostos

  -  2020-05-17
Acabo de terminar de leer el último libro de la saga y estoy muy conformo de invertir mi tiempo en la lectura, Después de haber el señor de los anillos y todo el universo de tolkien esto está muy bien!


Baja California, Mexico

1 Avaliaçaos

0 Gostos

  -  2020-05-13
Acabo de terminar de leer el último libro de la saga y estoy muy conformo de invertir mi tiempo en la lectura, ME ENCANTO.